X-ray absorption, emission, photoemission and RIXS: theory and experiment
This workshop on the fundamental aspects of Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS) includes lectures and tutorials. Hard and soft X-ray RIXS are powerful spectroscopic tools due to the two-dimensional data planes that separates the incoming and emitted energies leading to a large information depth. The workshop will focus on experimental details together with in-depth data analysis and interpretation using both detailed theoretical descriptions and experimental fingerprints. Participants will also have the opportunity to discuss own problems and to work with the teachers to solve these.
This two-day workshop is intended to students, postdocs and scientists. Registration is free, but required.
NOTE: Approval of the FACTS sheet requires around a week. For this reason registration will be closed after March 20th for those that do not already have access to SLAC like SLAC/Stanford affiliates and users with a current proposal.