Abstracts will be collected in two stages: submission of abstracts that wish to be considered for Contributed Oral talks will close on May 5, 2025 while the submission of abstracts for posters will close July 13, 2025. Any abstract that is not accepted for a Contributed Oral will be added to the Posters list. When submitting your abstracts please indicate if you would like to be considered for a Contributed Oral presentation.
Also, as noted, there will be a poster session on Sunday afternoon aimed at students. The Student Poster session is open to all students but students who apply for Travel Grants must participate in this session. The student posters will be judged and the 4 best posters will be given an award at the Awards Session on Thursday, August 13.
Abstracts can be submitted on the Indico site after registering for the conference. Registration and abstract submission are at: https://indico.jacow.org/event/97/.
NAPAC Indico eventDocumentation on JACoW accounts
We will review all submissions and will accept them as contributions to the conference. Notifications of acceptance for oral presentations at the conference will be sent by email by June 2nd and we will await confirmations to establish the sessions. If you have not heard from us by June 9th, it means you will be asked to present a poster.
Authors can withdraw abstracts independently until they are accepted as contributions in the program. If you need to withdraw your abstract after acceptance, please contact the info@napac25.org, specifying your abstract title and ID.
All contributions to NAPAC’25 can be managed via the JACoW Indico system at https://indico.jacow.org/event/97/.
Note: Authors must have a JACoW account with up-to-date information. All abstracts will be submitted exclusively through Indico. Abstracts not submitted via Indico will not be considered for NAPAC’25.
1. Check Your JACoW Account
All submitting authors must have an account within the JACoW Repository before submitting an abstract.
Login to the JACoW Central Repository
If you are unsure whether you already have a JACoW account, please check and search for your name in the Central Repository. Follow the instructions to create an account. Detailed instructions are available on the NAPAC official documentation website.
Before submitting, we suggest that all authors verify their personal data in the Central Repository. It is essential that data such as email address and main affiliation are up-to-date, as they will be used in the Indico system for the authors' list, and to create the abstracts booklet and final proceedings published on JACoW. Ensure your information is correct at all stages by clicking on the “Modify Your Profile” link.
2. Login to the NAPAC’25 Indico System
Once you have a JACoW account, log in to NAPAC’25 Indico. Make sure to use your JACoW username, not your email address. This is a common mistake.
3. Submit Your Abstract
Click on the “Submit new abstract” link and follow the instructions on the documentation site.
4. Special Instructions for the Abstract Submission Form
- Abstract Title: Enter the title in Sentence case. Use capitals only where appropriate (e.g., acronyms or SI units).
Example: The EXP experiment running at 4 GeV - Abstract Content: Text should not exceed 1200 characters. Use asterisks (*, **, etc.) to indicate footnotes.
Special Characters: Avoid using Greek symbols, superscripts, subscripts, LaTeX, Markdown, etc. Please submit text-only abstracts.
Note: Indico will preview the content, and may interpret asterisks as Markdown commands, but this will not affect the final appearance in the Abstract Booklet and proceedings.
Entry of Co-authors
Only the main author (first) should be listed in the “Authors” section of the abstract in Indico. All other authors should be added as “Co-authors.”The author or co-author marked as “Speaker” (Presenter) will be the one to present the paper in the oral session or poster session. The Speaker designation is indicated with the microphone icon next to the Author/Co-Author buttons.
- Contribution Type
Only poster presentations can be submitted for NAPAC’25. The Scientific Programme Committee will select a limited number of abstracts to be presented as invited oral contributions. - Classification of Abstracts (Tracks)
Contributions will be grouped by Main Classification. It is the responsibility of authors to classify their abstracts properly to ensure they are placed correctly in the conference program. - Footnotes
Footnotes should not exceed 200 characters. Please use "*", "**", etc., for references to publications as many times as necessary and with a carriage return between each. - Funding Agency
If necessary, enter funding agency and contract. This field should not be used to request sponsorship. Should not exceed 200 characters. - Privacy Policy
To take part to the conference it is required to accept the privacy policy statement available at https://events.slac.stanford.edu/napac25/privacy-policy
5. Requesting consideration for a Contributed Oral Presentation
Select "Yes" if you want your poster to be considered for a Contributed Oral Presentation. To be considered for a Contributed Oral, you must submit your abstract before the deadline of May 5, 2025. All posters submitted after this date will only be considered for Poster Contributions.
6. Enrolling in the Special Student Poster Session
NAPAC’25 will offer students the opportunity to present their contributions in the special Sunday Student Poster Session, in addition to the regular sessions scheduled from Monday to Thursday. Mark “Yes” if you are a student and wish to participate in the Student Poster Session on Sunday, August 10, 2025.
As explained in JACoW Profiles and Accounts whenever you need to add a person (usually, co-author) to an abstract it is necessary to create a profile for them in the JACoW Central Repository. To do this, follow this easy steps:
access the JACoW Central Repository User Profiles web page and search by way of last name or email address:
from the search results page, click on the "Create a new author" link towards the bottom of the page:
Enter all needed information in the New profile entry form:
take particular care in selecting the right affiliation by searching with the "Search for Affiliation" button
When all the information is ready press the "Submit" button. You'll get a notification of the completion of the process:
- Now, do not click on "Continue". Instead, go back to the search for authors in Indico.
For questions about managing abstracts, please contact: info@napac25.org.