About IEEE and APS

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
IEEE the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community to innovate for a better tomorrow through its more than 419,000 members in over 160 countries, and its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. IEEE is the trusted “voice” for engineering, computing, and technology information around the globe. See http://www.ieee.org for information about IEEE.
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- If you are not currently an IEEE member and would like to join IEEE and NPSS then you can do so on-line at IEEE Membership Service.
- If you are already an IEEE-NPSS Member and want to renew your membership on-line then follow IEEE Renewal.
- If you wish to join IEEE-NPSS as a Student Member then follow Student Membership.
- If you wish to join NPSS as an Affiliate (without becoming an IEEE Member) then follow Affiliate Membership.
American Physical Society (APS)
The American Physical Society (APS) is a nonprofit membership organization working to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics through its outstanding research journals, scientific meetings, and education, outreach, advocacy, and international activities. APS represents more than 50,000 members, including physicists in academia, national laboratories, and industry in the United States and throughout the world. Society offices are located in College Park, MD (Headquarters), Ridge, NY, and Washington, DC. See http://www.aps.org for information about APS.
Become an APS member.