Paper Preparation
Useful Tools for Authors
Before submitting your Word and LaTeX documents, use the JACoW Cat Scan Editor to receive immediate feedback on common formatting issues. This tool allows you to make necessary corrections to your paper before uploading it to Indico, streamlining the editing process and reducing the time-to-publication.
More information can be found in this help guide.
To properly format citations for JACoW publications every time, use the JACoW search and tool for accelerator conference proceedings. This tool should be used for all JACoW conference-related citations, including papers submitted to NAPAC’25.
More information can be found in this help guide.
All contributions that are properly presented at NAPAC’25 by a registered author will be published in the conference proceedings on the website.
For every contribution, authors must submit a paper that adheres to the paper guidelines. The use of the official JACoW templates is mandatory—always download the latest version of the template (Word, LaTeX, or OpenDocument) before starting to write your paper, even if you are an experienced author or have previously submitted a paper to a JACoW conference. Do NOT reuse the source file from a prior paper, as it may contain outdated template sections. Additionally, be aware that the official Overleaf template may not be the most current version: always use the template from the official JACoW templates page.
The deadline for paper contributions to the proceedings is:
The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to reject papers that do not meet an acceptable level of preparation.
Quick Summary
- Download the official JACoW templates.
- Write your paper by following the paper guidelines.
- Submit the paper through the NAPAC’25 Indico pages.